& Returns
Shipping Policy
All orders are shipped within 48 hours
Sunday - Thursday 9am - 11pm.
We use the following carriers to deliver our orders to international customers:
UPS ; FedEx ; DHL
Order Tracking
If a tracking # is provided by the shipping carrier, we will update your order with the tracking information.
Shipping Rates
The rate charged for the shipping of your order is based on the weight of your products, and your location. Before the final checkout page you will be shown what the cost of shipping will be, and you will have a chance to not place your order if you decide not to.
Back Orders
If an item goes on back order we will ship you the part of your order that is in stock. When the item becomes available we will ship you the rest of your order. You will not be charged any additional shipping and handling for the second shipment.
Refund & Return Policy
Please read all conditions below.
Al Faraeenah Electrical Devices reserves the right to refuse a return / refund / exchange request.
Please make your claims for "damaged items on delivery" or missing items within 12 hours of receipt of merchandise. If you decide to return your purchase, you can do so within 14 days after your purchase. The following conditions apply:
To return an item please call our Customer Care Centre at +971 4 455 9366.
All returned items must be in new condition (AS SOLD CONDITION), in their original box, and must include all packing material, blank warranty cards, manuals, and all accessories.
Goods must be complete, unused, and in 'AS NEW' condition as received. If the box has been opened we can not return the item.
Include the invoice with the return. If the goods aew defective, please specify the defect, in a separate sheet of paper and attach it along with the invoice. Please DO NOT write or mark anywhere on the product's factory packing (carton) or product itself.
Goods must be returned to our Returns Department either by yourself, or sent by a courier. -
Delivery charges for returning an item(s) are to be paid and are the responsibility of the customer.
Send pre-authorised returns to the address mentioned in the contact us page.
Refunds will be done only through the Original Mode of Payment.